Specializing in: Psychoneuroendocrinology and Psychoneuroimmunology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Neigh Lab Moves To Virginia Commonwealth University​!
Dr. Neigh relocated the majority of her research program to Richmond, VA, in Spring 2016. As part of the recruitment package, three laboratories and office space were built to Dr. Neigh's specifications. It was a very long process and a tremendous learning experience. The labs were completed in Spring 2017. The building process is pictured below in reverse chronological order. The Neigh Lab space consists of a suite of behavioral testing and surgical rooms, a BSL2+ cell culture suite, and a wet lab suite with adjacent offices for Dr. Neigh and research staff. The labs are located on the 12th floor of Sanger Hall on the MCV campus of VCU with an amazing view of the city. We can see all the way to the James River!