Chronic adolescent stress alters GR-FKBP5 interactions in the hippocampus of adult female rats.
By: Rowson S, Bekhbat M, Kelly S, Hyer MM, Dyer S, Weinshenker D, Neigh GN.
Stress. 2024 Jan; 27(1):2312467.
Behavior, synaptic mitochondria, and microglia are differentially impacted by chronic adolescent stress and repeated endotoxin exposure in male and female rats.
By: Wegener AJ, Hyer MM, Targett I, Kloster A, Shaw GA, Rodriguez AMM, Dyer SK, Neigh GN.
Stress. 2024 Jan; 27(1):2299971.
Chronic stress beginning in adolescence decreases spatial memory following an acute inflammatory challenge in adulthood
By: Hyer MM, Wegener AJ, Targett I, Dyer SK, Neigh GN.
Behav Brain Res. 2023 Mar 28; 442:114323.
Adolescent stress sensitizes the adult neuroimmune transcriptome and leads to sex-specific microglial and behavioral phenotypes.
By: Bekhbat M, Mukhara D, Dozmorov MG, Stansfield JC, Benusa SD, Hyer MM, Rowson SA, Kelly SD, Qin Z, Dupree JL, Tharp GK, Tansey MG, Neigh GN.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021 Feb 8; 46(5):949-958
Chronic adolescent stress causes sustained impairment of cognitive flexibility and hippocampal synaptic strength in female rats
By: Hyer MM, Shaw GA, Goswamee P, Dyer SK, Burns CM, Soriano E, Sanchez CS, Rowson SA, McQuiston AR, Neigh GN.
Neurobiol Stress. 2021 Feb 3; 14:100303.
Chronic repeated predatory stress induces resistance to quinine adulteration of ethanol in male mice.
By: Shaw GA, Bent MAM, Council KR, Pais AC, Amstadter A, Wolstenholme JT, Miles MF, Neigh GN.
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Adolescent maturation of the prefrontal cortex: Role of stress and sex in shaping adult risk for compromise.
By: Shaw GA, Dupree JL, Neigh GN.
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Chronic adolescent stress sex-specifically alters the hippocampal transcriptome in adulthood.
By: Rowson SA, Bekhbat M, Kelly SD, Binder EB, Hyer MM, Shaw G, Bent MA, Hodes G, Tharp G, Weinshenker D, Qin Z, Neigh GN.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Jun; 44(7):1207-1215.
Chronic adolescent stress sex-specifically alters central and peripheral neuro-immune reactivity in rats.
By: Bekhbat M, Howell PA, Rowson SA, Kelly SD, Tansey MG, Neigh GN.
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Sex Differences in Synaptic Plasticity: Hormones and Beyond.
By: Hyer MM, Phillips LL, Neigh GN.
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Sex differences in the neuro-immune consequences of stress: Focus on depression and anxiety.
By: Bekhbat M, Neigh GN.
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Development of the HPA axis: where and when do sex differences manifest?
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Chronic stress modulates regional cerebral glucose transporter expression in an age-specific and sexually-dimorphic manner
By: Kelly, Sean D.; Harrell, Constance S.; Neigh, Gretchen N.
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR Volume: 126 Pages: 39-49 Published: MAR 14 2014
Sex and lineage interact to predict behavioral effects of chronic adolescent stress in rats
By: Harrell, Constance S.; Hardy, Emily; Boss-Williams, Katherine; et al.
BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH Volume: 248 Pages:57-61 Published: JUL 1 2013
Sex differences in the effects of adolescent stress on adult brain inflammatory markers in rats
By: Pyter, Leah M.; Kelly, Sean D.; Harrell, Constance S.; et al.
BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY Volume: 30 Pages:88-94 Published: MAY 2013
Stress-induced sex differences: Adaptations mediated by the glucocorticoid receptor
By: Bourke, Chase H.; Harrell, Constance S.; Neigh, Gretchen N.
HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 210-218 Published: AUG 2012
Behavioral effects of chronic adolescent stress are sustained and sexually dimorphic.
By: Bourke, Chase H.; Neigh, Gretchen N.
Horm Behav. 2011 Jun;60(1): 112-20.